ICS4ICS, is an initiative by ISA GCA*, together with CISA, DHS and FEMA to develop an Incident Command System (ICS) for ICS (Industrial Control Systems) which aims to guide companies, organizations, and municipalities in identifying an incident, assessing damage, addressing immediate challenges, communicating with the right agencies and stakeholders, and resuming day to day operations.
How can you get involved in ICS4ICS?
- Register for the ICS4ICS Newsletter – LINK here
- Observe or Participate in an ICS4ICS Exercise – LINK here
- Host an ICS4ICS Exercise at a public event or at your company – LINK here
- Join the task force behind ICS4ICS and help define the processes, training, etc. – LINK here
- Become an ICS4ICS Ambassador and spread information about this global initiative. – LINK here
ICS4ICS Credentialling – Cybersecurity First Responder Credentialing Program
ICS4ICS provides clearly defined command structures, including standard roles needed in a response, and the framework can scale to support small or extremely large-scale incidents that impact many organizations. ICS4ICS has been adopted from FEMA’s Incident Command System framework for response structure, roles, and interoperability. The credentialling process today involves the interested induvidual to complete the training from FEMA’s Emergency Management Institue which consists of the following courses. Please contact https://gca.isa.org/ics4ics for more information on how to register for credentialling.
About Me

Durgesh, Kalya
Ambassador, ICS4ICS.
Durgesh Kalya, OT Security and Network Expert, is actively involved in various ISA initiatives and part of the task group for developing training and creating outreach for the ICS4ICS. He brings his Industrial Control Systems and Cybersecurity expertise in Industrial Automation and Control Systems Security, together with 15+ years of running IT and OT teams in chemical manufacturing industry to support the ICS4ICS initiatives through ISA’s Security & Safety Division (SAFESEC).
* ISA – International Society of Automation, GCA – Global Cyber Alliance, IT– Information Technology, OT – Operational Technology, ICS4ICS – Incident Command System for Industrial Control System
Connect / Follow me
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/durgeshkalya
Twitter: https://twitter.com/durgeshkalya